
Medicine translation’s role in diet and medical control


Medicine translation’s role in diet and medical control

30 Ago Medicine translation’s role in diet and medical control

Diet with medical control will be easier with the help of a medical translation service specialized in nutrition, translation and medical knowledge. When different languages are involved, bilingual or multilingual professionals focused on medical terminology are the best solution.

As in any other medical field, to leave room for guessing is never the best practice. The reason seems clear as different terms mean different things. Therefore, an adequate medical translation requires that the medical translator is both aware of the terminology  in the source and in the target language.

An example of a medical diet

Dr. Barry Sears designed the Zone Diet taking into account body requirements to be healthy. Although some diets search to be balanced, the zone diet seeks to balance the hormonal response of our body during the 5 hours following ingestion, stabilizing blood sugar levels. However, though contemplated as a healthy eating style designed to enjoy good health; it is not a balanced diet.

Adapting the target language to suit the audience is essential for diet and medical translation services, as medical documents can be directed to different readers, as medical professionals, general audience. As per the Zone Diet, it is based on the combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the ratio 40/30/30. This type of diet highlights the omega 3 fatty acids, the importance of the synthesis of insulin and the control of glycaemia.

Medical translators do not only need to deal with documents, but in an increasing audiovisual world, their services can be required for voice production, online presentations or video. Medical translation industry has seen enormous growth in the last years and the trend will continue due to globalization.


Adapting the target language to suit the audience is essential for diet and medical translation services


Diet, health, research and translation

Expanding diet and medical business abroad involves a lot of instances, in which a good translator is essential. A proper communication channel with patients is the basic motto of any diet or medical translation records, so that the patients, families, doctors and other personnel can communicate with each other in the best possible way. This is especially relevant as regards latest research in gut, health, diet and metabolic areas.

The hyperproteic and hypocaloric Zone diet was born in opposition to those rich in carbohydrates which did obtain good results reducing body fat. Although results are improved with the Zone diet, it is important to note that the most complicated part of it is related to the need to consume 30% of fats. So, there is a tendency to recommend supplements.

Optimal health is considered in the Zone diet as the metabolic state in which body and mind are more efficient and hence, more energy and weight control are experienced. With the block system, dividing a plate into three parts, the diet is easy to follow. Its advantages include that proportions can be met by different types of food.


Advantages of the Zone diet


Advantages of the Zone diet

On top of been recommended as a weight control diet, it balances glucose and insulin levels, therefore it is recommended for diabetics and people you need to reduce swelling or inflammation of the body. It helps eliminate free radicals that contribute to aging and improves skin, hair and nails.

Diet is each day considered more relevant to prolong life expectancy as are innovative treatments and medicines developed by healthcare companies. These innovations are being provided to the patients throughout the globe in the facilities. Medical translators can help with any gap observed in treatments and medicines education. Medical translation services can provide the best knowledge in the favored language.

The Zone diet is able to balance hormone levels and reduce fatigue. It also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. Salads, vegetables and fruit are recommended. The equivalent of two fists plus one piece of fruit. It is also possible to take rice or pasta in the carbohydrates block. In this case the size would be equivalent to a fist.

The proteins block includes between 100 (women) and 150 (men) grams of raw protein, whatever its origine (animal or vegetable). The last block requires the consumption of monounsaturated fats a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, avocados and omega 3 and omega 6 oils.

This translates into 5 meals a day at distances of between 4 and 5 hours. Quantities must take into account the physical degree of activity performed and the percentage of body fat and lean mass. In highly specialized industries such as medicine and diet small mistakes can be of consequence. Therefore some of the traditional tools used by medical translators include term memories, built organically from previously translated texts, and term bases or list of terms crafted to ensure accuracy and consistency in medical translations.

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