
How SEO influences medical translations


seo in medical translations

25 May How SEO influences medical translations

Internet positioning has become an indispensable element in any field. And medicine is no exception. SEO or Internet positioning is particularly important when it comes to medical translations and, in particular, translations of medical papers. In this article we tell you why.

How SEO works in medical translations

SEO is the search engine optimisation of all types of texts and articles. To do this, a series of strategies are used to ensure that the medical text is better positioned in search engines. Here, the medical translator can control the use of the best keywords to position the article, as well as ensuring that the content is readable and well-structured.

However, in SEO-oriented medical translations, there is one thing the translator cannot control. Google also takes the loading time of the web page into account. This means that if it is a translation of a medical paper on an external website, the situation is beyond the professional’s control. At this point, medical translators can do nothing, as they do not have access to the technical side of journals, repositories and directories.

Medical translation, useful for positioning an article on the Internet

They say that what does not appear on the Internet does not exist. It is more or less the same with medical research. When research is carried out, if it is not publicised, it is as if it did not exist. For this reason, not only should the paper be published in the native language of the person who has carried out the research, but it is also advisable to use medical translation to position the results in other languages.

Using specialised medical translators is always the best option for this, as they will take care when translating the content and adapting it to the needs of web positioning. When writing the medical article, the translator will take into account the use of keywords.

It is important to ensure that the terminology in the text is right, especially with regard to keywords. It is therefore necessary to review the terminology and check that the keywords by which we want our article to be identified are consistently present throughout the medical text. The title should be descriptive and contain the 3 keywords by which the article is identified.

A summary is then included in the translation of medical papers. This should consistently contain the 3 main keywords. It is important to include all terms in the title, in the abstract and consistently throughout the research article.

Relying on professional medical translators is a guarantee to make your medical research known worldwide. Shall we get started?

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