
How does medical translation help diagnose ovarian cancer?


Ovarian cancer translation

12 May How does medical translation help diagnose ovarian cancer?

According to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women, with approximately 205,000 new cases per year worldwide. Moreover, it is the leading cause of death from gynaecological cancer in Spain. This is due to the absence of specific symptoms at the onset and the lack of effective early detection methods. Although it accounts for 4-5% of female tumours, a slow but steady increase is expected. Nevertheless, medical advances are progressing and ovarian cancer translation is helping.

What exactly is ovarian cancer?

Although this may seem clear, it is an issue that needs to be explained. It should first be noted that the female reproductive system has two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. These are a pair of female reproductive glands that produce eggs (oocytes), and the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

Secondly, it’s crucial to know that a cell’s DNA contains instructions that tell it what functions to perform. However, when changes in DNA occur, cells begin to grow rapidly, creating a mass of cancer cells. Cancer occurs therefore when cells in one part of the body begin to grow out of control, invade and destroy healthy tissues in the body.

Ovarian cancer is consequently a growth of cells that begins when cells in or near the ovaries develop changes in their DNA.

Risk of the disease

The exact cause of these genetic changes is often unknown. However, doctors have identified factors that may increase the risk of the disease. Some of them are older age, inherited genetic disorders, family history of ovarian cancer, being overweight, hormone replacement therapy, endometriosis, age when menstruation began and ended or never having been pregnant.


Symptoms are varied. The main ones are weight loss, pelvic discomfort, fatigue, frequent urination, pain in the abdomen or pelvis, a lump in the pelvic area, gastrointestinal problems, bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge.

Medical advances

The treatment of ovarian cancer involves a team of gynaecologist-surgeons and medical oncologists. It consists of surgical removal of the entire tumour followed in most cases by chemotherapy treatment. However, the overall results of the current treatment for advanced ovarian cancer are not fully satisfactory.

Nevertheless, we have good news. Clinical trials with new medicines are exploring new treatments aimed at increasing cure rates. Many of these new medicines act in a different way to those we already know and may provide extra benefits. In addition, immunotherapy is being incorporated into all studies, in combination with existing treatments.

Thanks to clinical trials, we know which of the new medicines that are appearing really help to increase the survival of patients with ovarian cancer.

How does the translation of medical documents help diagnose ovarian cancer?

All these facts and many more are well known to our translators at Okomeds. They are very aware of the subject and will provide fast but perfect translations to ensure that the benefits reach all corners of the world as soon as possible and help diagnose the disease earlier.

While we know from clinical trials which of the new medicines actually contribute to improving patient survival rates, translation ensures more effective and successful outcomes in more parts of the world. The combination of clinical trials of new medicines offering new treatments supported by medical translations will bring benefits to society.

Through the translation of documents related to ovarian cancer, we can help create a network of healthcare professionals around the world.  Will you join the progress?

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