
Medical translation in the age of telemedicine



14 Jul Medical translation in the age of telemedicine

Telemedicine is one of the key elements of the future of the medical industry. It is already experiencing significant growth, allowing patients to access medical services remotely. This, in turn, is generating an increased need for accurate medical translations. While the work of doctors is of paramount importance, so is the work of medical translators. They now play a key role in the provision of multilingual remote healthcare services. It should be clear to you by now that telemedicine and medical translation is a combination that should always go together.

But what exactly is this new context? And why is translation so important here? Keep on reading.

What is telemedicine?

Telemedicine is a form of remote medical service that uses communication technologies to provide medical care at a distance and confidentially. It allows patients to consult health professionals and receive accessible diagnosis, treatment and medical follow-up care in a virtual context. That means, without having to be physically present in a medical facility.

What services does telemedicine offer?

Telemedicine encompasses a wide range of healthcare services. These range from general consultations to remote patient monitoring, delivery of medical results and medical counselling.

What digital media are used for this purpose?

Communication between doctor and patient takes place via videoconferencing, phone calls, text messages, emails and other digital platforms.

What are its benefits?

Telemedicine overcomes geographical barriers and facilitates access to medical care for people who are in remote areas, have mobility difficulties or need specialised consultations that are not available in their location. However, there is more: it reduces the costs associated with transport and a hospital stay. It also leads to greater efficiency in the provision of medical services, preventing overcrowding of medical centres.

Why is medical translation so important in telemedicine?

As telemedicine removes geographical barriers it allows health professionals to see patients from different parts of the world (and vice versa). This results in cases where the patient and the doctor do not speak the same language. Therefore, medical translators play a key role in ensuring effective communication between them, regardless of distance.

Specialised medical translators are able to accurately interpret medical information and technical terms in both directions, facilitating mutual understanding. They also help to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers by adapting the message to the patient’s own terminology and customs. But this is not only about oral communication. Medical translation in telemedicine extends to medical documentation, such as medical records, diagnostic reports and prescriptions, which must be accurately translated to ensure continuity of care and patient safety.

Medical translation makes telemedicine possible in all parts of the world

In the context of telemedicine, medical translation plays a crucial role in ensuring effective communication between doctors and patients who speak different languages. They are the key enablers in providing quality and safe healthcare services, regardless of the linguistic and cultural barriers. Medical translators at Okomeds are aware of the technologies used in telemedicine, such as videoconferencing platforms and computer-assisted translation tools, in order to provide efficient and quality translation services. Need a helping hand?

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