
Breaking down barriers to sexual health through medical translation


sexual health

04 Sep Breaking down barriers to sexual health through medical translation

Fortunately, sexual health is an issue that is gaining much-needed prominence. The World Health Organization (WHO), defines it as «a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality» and affirms that it «requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.”

In view of this, it is clear that this issue should be a fundamental aspect of human well-being, as well as the social and economic development of countries. Thus, access to quality information and services is essential to ensure a healthy and satisfying sexual life. Among many other professionals, this access can be provided by medical translators and medical interpreters, who play a crucial role in ensuring that sexual health information and services are conveyed accurately and sensitively across countries. Read on to discover how medical translation can promote inclusive, informed and respectful information for everyone.


How to achieve positive sexual health

Affection and sexual intimacy play an important role in healthy relationships. However this well-being is dependent on different factors that a community should cover:

Access to quality information about sex and sexuality:

Sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual expression, relationships and pleasure

Access to knowledge and the prevention of risks:

Sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies and abortions and sexual violence

Access to sexual health care


How medical translation promotes sexual health for all

For all communities to be able to enjoy these factors, the work of translators is of paramount importance. What do they offer?

Access to sexual health information

Medical translation ensures that crucial information on prevention, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception and other sexuality-related issues is available to all.

Cultural sensitivity

Sexual health is a culturally sensitive topic. Cultural aspects can have a profound impact on the perception of this. Therefore, medical translation takes the different cultural perspectives on sexuality into account. This way it ensures sensitive communication adapted to different cultural realities and avoiding misunderstandings.

Awareness raising

Medical translation enables the dissemination of sexual health awareness and education campaigns worldwide. By adapting materials into different languages, it is easier to reach a wider and more diverse audience and to contribute to greater awareness.

Disease and risk prevention

Medical translation is essential to prevent and educate about sexually transmitted diseases and other related risks. Ensuring that people have a proper understanding of preventive measures promotes a safer and healthier sex life.

Promoting healthy and responsible sexuality

Providing accurate and understandable information empowers people to make informed decisions. This is where the promotion of sexual rights, sexual diversity, and sexual and reproductive health in a pleasurable way, without discrimination or risk, comes into play, as well as precautions for a healthy sexual life.


Medical translation as a pathway to a more informed world

It is essential to be well informed about all aspects of sexual health: what is needed to have a satisfying sex health, as well as what factors can complicate it.

Medical translation is a fundamental pillar of inclusive and respectful health care. It ensures that no one is left behind and that everyone can make informed choices and care for their sexual health. It is a means to empower people and provide them with the tools they need to take care in a responsible and informed manner.

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