
What types of patients require medical interpretation in hospitals?


medical interpreting in hospitals

24 Nov What types of patients require medical interpretation in hospitals?

As you already know, medical interpreters are needed in hospitals in order to enable communication between the healthcare staff and the patients. Medical interpretation in hospitals is made up of two parts: the work with patients and administrative work. The work with patients consists of accompanying them from the moment they arrive at the hospital until they leave, interpreting whenever they need it, even interpreting doctors’ handwritten documents. The administrative work consists of dealing with the patient’s insurance procedures or contacting the health authority in the patient’s country.

But what types of patients need these services?

What types of patients require medical interpretation in hospitals?

In Spain, there are two groups that may require the services of a medical interpreter. The first is immigrants and the second is those involved in the health tourism sector.

Health interpretation for immigrants

This group requires quality health care, as the National Health System in Spain is free, accessible and universal. By law, foreigners registered in the municipal register have the right to health care under the same conditions as Spaniards. However, a foreigner who does not speak Spanish will not be in the same conditions and will need an interpreter.

Their vulnerability, the stress involved in immigration and living in an unfamiliar system and language barriers must all be considered. For this reason, sensitivity, trust and the support of a professional interpreter are essential.

Interpretation for health tourism

Health tourism accounts for a growing number of people in Spain due to the public health system. This makes Spain one of the countries with the highest volume of health tourists in the world. These people often need the intervention of a health interpreter, as they usually don’t speak Spanish.

In addition, foreign students who choose Spain as a destination for exchange programmes or foreigners who visit Spain for work or to attend conferences can become users of the public health system or the private health system.

What should a medical interpreter be like?

Medical interpreting in hospitals requires the professional not only to have a high degree of specialisation in the medical sector, but also to demonstrate impartiality and objectivity. They also need  know how to work considering social factors such as gender, ethnicity, age and socioeconomic level.

In addition, as there may be fear, insecurity and stress on the part of the patient, a medical interpreter must be very empathetic and build trust. All hospital interpreters must address these issues, thus improving patient care and increasing confidence in them.

What is the result of offering medical interpretation in hospitals?

A patient care service without interpreters can jeopardise the health of patients and the user experience in a clinic.

The professionalisation of medical interpreting services in hospitals and health systems is a safe bet with benefits for all. It allows patients to receive unparalleled care and means that the organisation engaging in such professionalisation will be recognised for the quality of its services.

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