13 Dic How can transcreation in the health sector reach more users?
In the medical field, accurate and clear communication is essential. Sometimes, however, simply translating medical materials may not be enough to convey complex messages effectively. This is where a more in-depth approach comes into play: transcreation in the health sector.
While this service is often associated with marketing and advertising, its scope of application is far more wide-ranging and brings benefits to a variety of professional activities. One of these is, indeed, healthcare.
What is transcreation and how is it used in the health sector?
Transcreation is a process that goes beyond simple translation. It is about adapting and recreating the original content in a new language or cultural context without losing the essence of the message.
One of the most striking characteristics of transcreation is its strong component of creativity. For this reason, transcreation is often used in advertising and marketing. Advertising and marketing can also be features of the healthcare sector. So, while it may seem that there is no room for creativity in the health sector, this is not the case.
The role of the internet and new technologies in heath companies and institutions
Today, many people who need health information search for it on the websites of companies providing health services and products. For these companies, their websites are their letter of introduction to potential customers. They must therefore adapt their websites to new audiences and this is where transcreation comes into play.
Transcreation processes can also be used by healthcare institutions. For example, in the United States, mobile applications have been developed in English for patients to manage their visits to the doctor. These applications are undergoing transcreation processes to adapt them to the linguistic and cultural characteristics of the Latino community.
Why is transcreation so valuable in the health sector?
Transcreation is a very valuable tool for public institutions and healthcare companies. The field of healthcare is very broad and includes a wide variety of texts that may require transcreation:
- Health promotion: advertising and promotional campaigns for health services and products.
- Educational materials: from information leaflets to disease education and treatment guides.
- SME internationalisation processes: website transcreation allows companies to reach potential customers in other countries. This also involves using medical localisation services.
- Digital communication: digital tools provide a permanent relationship between the user and the health sector.
- International outreach and awareness campaign: texts to raise awareness of diseases or health conditions.
These circumstances imply not only the accurate translation of the text, but also the consideration of visual elements, message tone and cultural references to maximise the impact on the target audience.
In the Internet era, communication has no timetable and transcreation is the key to providing access for all types of audiences requiring information and services, adapting messages to the language, culture and particularities of each target audience.
Transcreation to improve patient accessibility
Contrary to what you may think, transcreation is as necessary in the healthcare sector as in any other sector. In an increasingly diverse and globalised world, it ensures that everyone, regardless of language or culture, has access to medical information.
Whether it is a question of internationalising a healthcare company’s website or offering a mobile app for communication with users, using the medical translation service of transcreation is essential. The healthcare sector is an area that must combine scientific knowledge with the sensitivity required to communicate with patients. Having transcreation specialists like those at our medical translation company guarantees you this result.
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