
New forms of medical translation as a result of telepsychology


new forms of medical translation

15 Feb New forms of medical translation as a result of telepsychology

Digital mental health is the order of the day, largely due to technological innovations. We can understand this if we look back: while in 2005 fewer than 20% of households had access to the internet, by 2018 the percentage had risen to 60%, and today (especially after COVID-19) the figure is even higher. Similarly, the use of mobile devices has increased. This leads to many people adapting their daily tasks to the use of these new technologies. The field of psychology is one of these areas and, in turn, this has forced it to develop new forms of medical translation.

Entering the world of telepsychology

Telepsychology is the delivery of psychological services using information and communication technologies. Examples of telepsychological interventions include digital mental health apps and, of course, online psychotherapy. Let’s take a look at these in more detail:

Online psychotherapy

Online psychotherapy refers to any psychotherapeutic setting facilitated or prescribed by a mental health professional where the client and therapist use video conferencing to conduct a synchronous session, even if they are in different physical environments.

In this way, the therapist can speak directly to each patient if they are unable to come to the consultation for whatever reason. It is also easier to interact with other professionals treating the same patient to develop joint strategies.

The role of video remote interpreting

These developments offer a wide variety of possibilities, to the point of being able to reach patients or professionals in other parts of the world and who speak different languages. But what do we need to do in such cases? Video remote interpreting is one of the most popular video translation services in these circumstances, connecting an external interpreter with therapist and patient.

Digital mental health apps

Digital mental health apps have multiple uses, such as helping people to quit smoking or manage stress, or even understanding how the patient is feeling thanks to the information they enter themselves. If, for example, a negative episode occurs or the situation worsens, healthcare professionals can quickly contact the patient to prevent further problems from arising.

Another way digitalisation is changing mental health is the creation of augmented reality therapies. Thanks to this, patients can overcome their fears over several sessions. This is very useful for treating phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety.

The role of localisation

These applications are developed in one language (such as English or Chinese) and require translation for a smooth user experience in other languages. Localisation involves adjusting date formats, units of measurement and other elements to local expectations, thus improving the overall experience. Medical localisation adapts the content and functions of applications to cultural preferences and creates a more responsive user experience.

A new reality to adapt to

Telepsychology is emerging as a transformative innovation, providing access to mental health services remotely and conveniently. In this new landscape, new forms of medical translation play a crucial role in facilitating effective communication between therapists and patients from diverse cultures. From real-time interpreting to application localisation, technological tools offer innovative solutions to overcome linguistic and cultural differences.

Our medical translators adapt to an ever-changing world by ensuring that medical care is truly accessible to all. So… let’s keep growing!

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