
Our experience at Clinical Trials Europe


experience at Clinical Trials Europe

26 Mar Our experience at Clinical Trials Europe

As real enthusiasts about the future of medicine and translation (not to mention our passion for making medical information accessible worldwide), Okomeds attended the latest edition of Clinical Trials Europe which was held on 29 and 30 November 2023 in Barcelona (Spain). Today, it is time to take stock of our experience at Clinical Trials Europe. Do you want to hear about it? Read on.

Clinical Trials Europe

As we told you in our previous post, «OKOMEDS IS TAKING PART IN CLINICAL TRIALS EUROPE«, Clinical Trials Europe is a trade show organised by Informa Connect, a brand specialising in events that connect professionals with knowledge, ideas and opportunities. The aim of this particular event was to leverage new technologies, foster collaboration and integrate operational processes to optimise clinical trials.

Clinical Trials Europe therefore brought together the clinical community, including Okomeds, our brand specialising in medical, healthcare and life sciences translations, which had the opportunity to meet some of the industry’s professionals. We came to the fair eager to share knowledge, learn from others and showcase certified medical translation as a way of transferring information to every possible corner.

Okomeds’ raison d’être at the fair

Clinical trials are at the heart of medical research. They test new treatments, therapies and medicines to determine their safety and efficacy and provide invaluable insights that shape the future of healthcare.

However, did you know that these trials are conducted in multiple countries and require the collaboration of scientists, patients and experts from all over the world? Indeed, one of the biggest challenges in clinical trials is effective communication since researchers must collaborate in different languages, documents must be available in multiple languages and patients must understand the procedures involved. That is why medical translation is so important in ensuring quality of care and access to information. At Okomeds, we strive to overcome these language barriers to create seamless communication in the medical field.

Our objectives in attending the fair

We saw participation in Clinical Trials Europe as an opportunity to:

      • Share knowledge about the importance of medical translation and how it can help accelerate the dissemination of medical advances around the world.
      • Network with new and old colleagues.
      • Collaborate with specialists who want to improve the accessibility of medical information in multiple languages.
      • Learn from and be inspired by experts.
      • Keep abreast of the latest medical and technological developments.

Okomeds’ real experience at the trade fair

Despite our desire to meet our objectives, Okomeds experience at Clinical Trials Europe was not as expected. While it is true that we made contacts and positioned ourselves in the sector, we also found that:

      • The volume of attendees was much lower than expected.
      • Likewise, the number of attendees was lower than the number offered by the fair organisers.
      • There were problems with accreditations, which created a number of issues for the attendees, participants and event organisers.

The connection between science and translation

Despite the different issues, we are delighted that we took part in the fair.

Our participation in Clinical Trials Europe, as well as in future fairs in which we will also participate, is a step towards a future where medicine and medical translation services work together to improve healthcare worldwide. This will allow us, as a whole, to accelerate medical research and make clinical trials more effective worldwide. Thank you to all the attendees who stopped by our stand. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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