
World ALS Day: World ALS Day and medical translations to promote research


World ALS Day

17 Jun World ALS Day: World ALS Day and medical translations to promote research

As every year, International ALS Day is celebrated around the world on 21 June. Its aim is to raise awareness of this disease, to join forces and to call for more research, which is one of the cornerstones for increasing the life expectancy of ALS sufferers. But… Did you know that without medical translations it would not be possible to bring this to all corners of the world? That’s why today we want to put special focus on World ALS Day and medical translations to promote research and awareness. Keep on reading!

What is ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative disease of the nervous system that affects 5 out of every 100,000 people worldwide. It is the third most common neurodegenerative disease after dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Characterised by progressive degeneration of motor neurons, ALS causes a gradual loss of muscle control, eventually leading to paralysis. It occurs when motor neurons, the nerve cells responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movements, die or degenerate, which gradually causes muscle weakness and atrophy, spasms or cramps.

Life expectancy

The life expectancy of those affected is around 3 years. Only 20% of patients survive for 5 years. And only 10% of patients live for 10 years after diagnosis.

Causes and risk factors

The causes of ALS are unknown. Only 5-10% of cases have a hereditary genetic origin. As for risk factors, at the moment, being male and over 60 years of age are the only factors that can be concluded. Although there are studies that mention risk factors such as smoking, viral infection, exposure to heavy metal or pesticide contamination and strenuous physical activity.


ALS has to date no cure. However there is currently only one treatment for ALS with very modest results. This is riluzole, which modifies the activity of certain natural substances in the body that affect nerves and muscles. Apart from that, all that is currently done is to manage the various complications of the disease, nutritional measures and neuromotor rehabilitation.

World ALS Day and medical translations: The vital role of translation

ALS research and treatment rely heavily on clear and accurate communication. And translation is just another form of communication. So this is the role of translation and also the role a medical translation agency can play:

Translation ensures access to medical information

For ALS patients and their families, understanding the nature of the disease, available treatments and necessary care is essential. Medical translation makes important information available in the patient’s language, eliminating barriers that may hinder understanding and access to vital resources

Translation supports clinical trials

Ongoing research and clinical trials are critical to finding effective treatments for ALS. These trials often involve patients from different regions. Therefore, clinical trial translation ensures that these people can participate and collaborate without language barriers.

Translation helps to disseminate scientific publications

Advances in ALS research are regularly published in scientific journals. Translating these studies makes discoveries and innovations accessible to healthcare professionals around the world. This not only boosts global knowledge about ALS, but also facilitates the implementation of new practices and treatments in various clinical settings.

Medical translation is not just a tool

Certified medical translation is not just a tool, but a necessity in the fight against ALS. On the one hand, a medical translator can ensure that medical information is accessible to all. On the other hand, he plays a vital role in research, treatment and supporting patients in finding solutions to ALS.

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