
5 ways in which medical translation improves patient health


Medical translation improves the health of patients

26 Jun 5 ways in which medical translation improves patient health

Medicine is one of the most important and sensitive fields in the world. A growing number of new diseases are being added to those that already exist and we are more and more aware of situations that expose us to the risk of disease. At the same time, there is growing research aimed at understanding and curing these diseases. Scientists, doctors and all the medical specialists from all over the world are striving to find solutions and cure as many diseases as possible. However, to be successful, multilingual communication is essential. In other words, medical translation improves patient health since it helps researchers and doctors improve the quality of their work.

5 ways in which medical translation improves patient health.

Medical discoveries, equipment and everything else related to improving patient outcomes are produced in different countries around the world in the local language. To facilitate the treatment of patients around the world, professionals and doctors need translators and interpreters so that they can offer patients the best possible cure and treatment. What does a medical translation service do? Translation:

1. Promotes communication in languages other than English

It is a mistake to assume that everyone knows and understands English. While it is true that many people can understand the language, some find it hard to grasp the content of documents such as consent forms, registration instructions, educational materials and medical records. Others cannot communicate in English at all.

2. Reduces waiting time, costs and expenses

Healthcare translation services in hospitals can help them to provide better medical services in less time. It allows the patient to get maximum medical benefits without suffering a lot and wasting time due to language barriers, as fast and timely translation helps in early diagnosis.

3. Helps communication flow

Translation helps patients and doctors to better connect. This not only improves the quality of care, but also helps the patient to feel able to express themselves and creates a relationship of trust between the patient and the healthcare professional, which is essential for successful treatment.

4. Promotes the internationalisation of products

Medical engineers and researchers from different countries contribute to the production of medicines, medical devices and equipment. These products are accompanied by specific user manuals or instruction books to assist in their use or consumption. Exporters of these products must therefore have the manual translated into the target language of the region where they to be imported and sold.

5. It supports medical research and clinical trials

Medical research and clinical trials often involve participants of various nationalities. Medical translation allows for informed consent forms, study protocols and results to be understood in multiple languages, facilitating global participation and ensuring study integrity.

The power of medical translation to improve patient health

Medical translation plays a vital role in healing patients’ illnesses.  First, it allows patients and healthcare staff to communicate with each other more accurately thanks to the work of the translator or certified medical interpreter, which helps them to come to a diagnosis faster and, consequently, also to cure the patient more quickly.

Second, it results in the internationalization of medical products so that they can reach as many places as possible. On top of that, translation also supports the running of clinical trials to find cures for diseases currently without one. In this case, translations are essential for communication between experts, for participants in clinical trials from different countries and to disseminate the information obtained in different languages, among many other things.

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