
We have an appointment: Okomeds will be at Farmaforum


Okomeds will be at Farmaforum

16 Sep We have an appointment: Okomeds will be at Farmaforum

As you may already know, at Okomeds we have a true passion for making medical information accessible worldwide, which leads to us constantly attending key medical events. The last one we attended was Clinical Trials Europe. Today, we are delighted to announce that we already have a date in the diary for the next one: Okomeds will be at Farmaforum, the Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical and Laboratory Technology Industry Forum.

This event, which brings together the most influential experts in the sector to discuss the latest innovations, trends and challenges facing the industry, will take place on 25 and 26 October in Madrid (Spain), specifically in the IFEMA pavilion.


Farmaforum is an event that has managed to consolidate itself as the most important for the Pharmaceutical Industry in Spain and Okomeds, our medical translation agency, is delighted to be attending its tenth edition in Madrid, specifically in Hall 9 of the IFEMA facilities.

The forum brings together the pharmaceutical community, which also concerns us. Through our brand, specialising not only in medical, healthcare and life sciences translations, but also in pharmaceutical translations, Okomeds will have the opportunity to meet leading professionals from the pharmaceutical field.

Okomeds’ presence at Farmaforum

We see attending this big event as an opportunity to learn from the experts and keep abreast of the latest developments in Pharmacy, but it also provides us with the perfect opportunity to:

  • Connect with experts and network.
  • Collaborate with specialists who want to improve access to medical information in multiple languages.
  • And most importantly, share knowledge about the importance of pharmaceutical translation and how it can help accelerate the dissemination of pharmaceutical advances around the world.

The challenge of pharmaceutical advances

The Pharmaceutical industry depends on advances in research to launch their products. Accelerating these processes while guaranteeing quality and safety has a direct impact on the costs of new developments and is therefore vital for companies.

To achieve this acceleration, researchers need to collaborate in different languages, documents need to be available in multiple languages, patients need to understand procedures, etc. And all this must be done with the greatest possible speed and quality. But how?

Pharmaceutical translation

This is where translation becomes important. Translation is essential to ensure quality of care, safety and access to information in different languages, while helping to streamline pharmaceutical processes.

In an industry where accuracy and quality are crucial, pharmaceutical translation plays a vital role in:

  • Documents such as package leaflets, medicine labels, clinical studies and regulatory documentation. Translation ensures that information reaches healthcare professionals in a clear and accurate manner and complies with international regulations.
  • The approval of new medicines, the understanding of innovative treatments and the correct application of laboratory technologies.

At Okomeds, we are striving to overcome these language barriers to create seamless communication in the pharmaceutical sector.

Seeking a future of global collaboration between pharmacy and translation

Okomeds’ presence at Farmaforum is a step towards a future where Pharmacy and translation work together to improve healthcare and pharmaceutical care worldwide. This will enable the more effective acceleration of pharmaceutical research and product launches around the world.

We look forward to meeting the pharmaceutical community there and demonstrating how translation can be a driver for the advancement of Pharmacy, also exploring together the opportunities that this exciting field has to offer.

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