

Medical translation of documents that may be required in a travel agency

17 Feb Medical translation of documents that may be required in a travel agency

If you run a travel agency, we are sure that you will always want to offer your clients the best possible service. So, you will take care of the lodging, the transport, the visits, the ticket entrances… but also the healthcare. That is to say, that you will do your best for including any medical service or special requirement.

A client contacting a travel agency does not want to worry about organising his/her holidays. (S)He just want to disregard, and aims the agency to take care of any detail. To be clear: that is why (s)he pays for. So, if you provide all kind of services you will be a trustable company. And, among such services, healthcare is an essential. Note that some travellers might require special needs; so when travelling abroad, it becomes a key point which should be taken into account.


How a travel agency and a medical translation can be related?


Health information needed before traveling

In this sense, a travel agency can offer its clients all health information needed before traveling, such as vaccinations (it is important to consult with, at least, 4 to 6 weeks in advance, since the body needs time to develop immunity), medical check-up, first aid kit, common diseases in the country of arrival, etc.

It is important to take into account that sometimes, planning a trip, especially to certain countries and rural areas, may imply the need to get vaccinated well in advance. There are some destinations that represent a greater risk to health.

But, it must be borne in mind that the risk will not only depend on the place of destination, but also the state of health of the person, if he or she is up to date with all the vaccinations recommended and the scheduled activities.

On the other hand, some countries require certain vaccines to allow entrance into  their territory (for example, yellow fever vaccination) and the traveller must show proof of vaccination.

There are areas (such as Zika risk areas) not recommended in case of possible pregnancy. Or flying limits in the last weeks of pregnancy, usually due to insurance coverage and avoiding births on board.

It is also advisable to be informed of the latest news about health in the area which you are going to travel to. Including recommendations to maintain traveller’s health, such as using insect repellent, drinking bottled water…

Providing all this information via pamphlets or other written documents, the travel agency can do a great job. And to provide it, or translate it into different languages, medical translators are the best choice.


Medical problems around the globe. A travel agency’s notice

The travel agency can explain the traveller’s options or what is needed.

If the trip is within Europe, the Agency can remind the traveler of the need to get a European health card. Or in general terms, it can recommend medical and travel insurance or even include them in the travel packs. Providing its clients with more options in an easy way, will not increase their satisfaction, but also the travel agency’ business.


Other examples of a medical translation needed in a travel agency

But, could you name other examples of a medical translation that you may use in your travel agency? Here, at  Okomeds, we list a few documents that you should better ask your client for and then, get its corresponding medical translation.


Medical recommendation

A traveller with special needs should carry a medical recommendation when going abroad. As – if any assistance is required – the foreign doctor or specialist will better know how to proceed. But… wait! A medical translation of such document including data on the health condition, prescribed doses and contact details of the doctor, into the local language will be indispensable.


Drug transport

Some drugs may be confiscated at a customs office or even at an airplane control point. Officers may attest that it is a suspicious drug or that it is in a liquid state (note that more than 100 ml containers are not allowed to pass an airplane control point). But, it is allowed to be passed just having a medical document confirming its real use. So, a medical translation would be necessary especially for international trips.

For certain medications, such as psychotropics, a certificate issued by the Spanish Agency for Medicines or the specific local agency in the home country is needed. And a medical translation to the local language of the certificate shall be required.

The travel agency can also remind the traveller or help him or her to consult the consideration of the substances that he or she carries into the country of destination, since they may not be of legal use.



If your client has any allergy, it would be essential to avoid risks. For example, (s)he cannot eat certain foods (as nuts or gluten) or (s)he cannot even touch certain textiles (as those made of silk). A medical translation of a list including such allergies would be a good prevention. Your client would express his/her gratitude to your travel agency when (s)he is in a restaurant or a market.

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