

medical translator

03 Mar Never stop learning in medical translation!

Today, we are interviewing Rossana, an Okomeds medical translator who is giving us her personal point of view about her job. She loves playing with words and considers that specialisation and continuous training are key for any medical translator. But we are curious about asking her some other questions.

Specialisation and continuous training are key for any medical translator
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  1. What is the most difficult problem that you have ever met in a medical translation?

In general, neologisms are the most difficult part of medical translation, especially when pharmaceutical laboratories launch new drugs or when medical magazines write down about the most state-of-the-art techniques. The reason is simple: there is not a term coined for such words and it is really difficult to find useful information about such issue (I mean in Spanish, my mother tongue). Particularly, I remember when I translated an article published in Spanish by Revista Gastroenterología about endoscopic ultrasound guided-ablation therapies. It was probably the most difficult situation I have ever faced.


  1. Do you think that any translator can properly work as a medical translator? Why?

I truly consider that a specific training in medical translation is required as you need – at least – some baseline knowledge. In my case, I studied the Medical and Healthcare Translation Master at Jaume I University, and it was after 8 years working as a translator.


  1. What do you do when you do not have new translation projects?

I take new online specialisation courses – as cyber seminars – for keeping on training as a medical translator and getting to know CAT tools.


  1. What do you like the most about your work?

I love «playing with words». Translating is like a puzzle.


  1. Do you see doctors, nurses and other medical specialists in a different way since you are a medical translator?

Probably yes. We both share terminology and documents, and they do not need to explain to me some issues like they do with other patients. They have even asked me if I worked as a doctor, as they were surprised to discuss with a patient on equal terms.


  1. If you are a freelance translator, how do you separate your personal and professional life? Do you find it difficult?

Yes, I am a freelance translator, and it is really difficult to work from home; especially for me because I have children. I try to respect the working hours, avoid working during the weekends and disconnect my mind when finishing my business day… I try, but I am not always able to.


  1. What advise will you give to another medical translator?

Never stop learning.

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