
Typical health problems during summertime


health translation

20 Jul Typical health problems during summertime

When you hear «summertime«, your mind will probably think about sun, swimming pool, beach, relax, holidays… But health is also highly involved. There are some common health problems that may affect you in summertime due to different factors. Better safe than cure; so it is good to know some health problems that you might suffer… unless you correctly prevent them.



A sunstroke is when you are too exposed to a very harsh and warming sun. This scenario may end in a potential medical condition as the body can not cool down and temperature gets dangerously high. This can result in a very serious health problem unless some measures are taken.


Burning skin

Do not be overconfident and take the right measures for avoiding any potential burning skin. Use sun protection, choose shadow instead of the warm sunlight and do not trust wind – as it may burn your skin too. This health scenario is very common at summertime and may result in serious diseases, as a skin cancer. So any attention is not enough.


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An excess of heat may result in a sick. If you feel bad, just sit down, drink water, and choose a mild or cold place to stay for a while. Do it as soon as possible as too high temperatures are not good at all. And your health is at stake.


Health and digestion cut

This health scenario is common in beaches and swimming pools. After having lunch, it is very recommended to wait unless two hours for having a bath. Why? While digestion is being made, the stomach temperature is warmer than usual, and the contrast with the colder water can turn badly if it suddenly occurs.



Experts recommend drinking two litters of water per day. But, in summertime, when heat is warmer, water is more needed than ever. So, drink water whenever you feel thirsty or heated up as your body needs to be hydrated. Otherwise, you will suffer from dehydration and it will have a negative effect on your health.


health problem in summer


Apparition of varicose veinscan cause further health problems

Varicose veins are condition that affects mainly the legs veins. They associated with symptoms such as heaviness of legs, tiredness, cramps or swelling or. A first stage of the varicose veins is the so-called spider veins in the legs, which are small capillaries that break when blood circulation is not optimal. In this sense hight temperature, as in summer is not good for them.
Varicose processes are usually benign, unless there is deep venous insufficiency. In most cases, processes include vein dilatation. Varicose veins of greater caliber are considered medical problems

Varicose veins consist on alterations in the valves inside the veins of the lower extremities. These valves allow the blood to go upwards. The alteration causes a certain amount of blood to move down or accumulate. This effect in turn produces a dilation of the veins that becomes visible producing varicose veins.

Treatments of all enumerated health problems should be immediate, with the exception of varicose veins. The best times to perform the treatments for the latter are autumn and winter. The reason is that temperatures are lower and there is less exposure to the sun. The sun is a problem for surgery, as it allows bruises leave pigmentations that are permanent. Even in the case of strictly aesthetic interventions, heat and sun make the intervention less effective, and spots may appear. In addition, in any case, autumn and winter facilitate the postoperative process and make it more comfortable, since after the operation it is necessary to use compression stockings for weeks.

With modern technology constantly improving medical and pharmaceutical products as well as medical devices, new safety precautions and regulations and need to be emplaced to ensure quality, especially important in Medical Technology and Healthcare sectors were doctors, nurses, and other medical staff need translation into their primary language to be updated on diseases, treatments and on how to operate the devices in order to save more lives.

Therefore, the slightest mistake in translation, in summer or in any other season,  could cost a patient’s life making the doctor or nurse unable perform the correct procedure. It is important o bear in mind that preventable medical errors are one of the most important killers. For example in US, it comes just after heart disease and cancer.

These are not the only health problems that may occur during summertime, but they are the most common ones. Be careful and take an extra care of your health.

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