There are some obstacles that medical translators face when carrying out their professional work. These need to be overcome as understanding them can be crucial for patients and lead to rewarding high quality results.
You will probably have heard people talking about medical translation and medical interpreting, but you might not know what the terms actually mean. Don't worry! We are here to clear the matter up. Clinics and hospitals use the services of both medical translators and medical interpreters. The difference between the two lies in the type of communication involved.
Fecha publicación: 24/07/2020 Fecha actualización: 27/08/2020 0 Comments
Medical translations are a specialist area that demands high-quality work. That’s why it is absolutely critical to work with a medical translation company certified for the latest ISO standards, such as Okomeds.
All businesses understand the importance of using precise language and accurate document translations. Nevertheless, in the pharmaceutical industry a translation error can not only delay and complicate research and production, it can actually prove harmful to patients or subjects.
A medical translation is a type of scientific-technical translation. This type of translation is one of the most in demand and relates to various field of knowledge, such as mathematics, physics, engineering and computer translations.
There’s a lot of medical and scientific jargon being used when discussing coronavirus. At Okomeds – Medical translations we’ve selected some medical terms to help you to understand the evolution of the pandemic.
Fecha publicación: 24/04/2020 Fecha actualización: 31/03/2021 0 Comments
Covid-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that first appeared in China in 2019. The virus belongs to the family of coronaviruses which mainly affect certain mammals or birds and normally only cause mild colds in humans. However, viruses can change (mutate) and adapt to new circumstances. Experts try to predict mutations in the normal flu viruses and begin to develop vaccines before the new flu season that protect against the most likely changes. So how can medical translation help during this pandemic?
As the world shrinks thanks to developments in technology and greater availability of low cost travel options, the world is as small as it has ever been. Within the healthcare and medical industry, this shrinking has created a number of opportunities for people to now receive medical care and treatment in other countries.
What skills do professional translators really need to succeed? What skills do medical translators in particular need? Are translation skills enough, or are there other skill sets that are just as important if they want to succeed in the profession? Here are the skills that Okomeds has found to be the most important for these translators.
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