Medical translation and medical interpretation are key elements of academic, scientific and medical research.When you have a headache, you probably take some tablets to get rid of the pain. If you do take tablets, you will no doubt have read a medication package insert from time to time to make sure you are taking the medicine properly. In this case, the role of the medical translator is very important.
Medical translation and medical interpretation are key weapons in the academic, scientific and medical research battle against global pandemics such as the Coronavirus. Medical translation agencies such as Okomeds can provide translation services relating to information about this virus, how it is affecting the Chinese people and how medicine can prevent it from spreading.
You might not know what ‘back translation’ is and how it is used in medicine, but at some point you will undoubtedly have worked with a document that has undergone a back translation, for example in areas such as clinical trials, pharma documents and research study protocols. In short, a back translation allows you to compare the translation with the original text to check for quality and accuracy, helping you to assess whether the meaning is the same in both the source and target texts. Back translations are used in many sectors but their main use is in medicine, typically being used by medical device companies and also pharmaceutical companies. If the content is of high value, it is often necessary to have a back translation.
Sometimes a doctor needs to communicate in writing with international colleagues, patients or the general public. What to do when the translation of a medical document is required? Here are our tips on choosing the right way to translate this kind of documents.
The success or failure of a medical translation always depends on how exact and accurate the terminology employed is, given the context, as well as the level of knowledge and understanding of the subject matter exhibited by the linguist and their awareness of what should or should not be translated.
Fecha publicación: 17/12/2019 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
Medical translation is one of the most difficult translations services and the most requested. The medical industry operates worldwide, so it is understandable that it requires medical translation services, like Okomeds services, on a regular basis. As you can probably imagine, medical translation services are for medical professionals,...
While closely linked to human health, veterinary science remains a relatively unexplored field for medical translators. This is despite veterinary translation playing a vital role in environmental protection, food safety, and animal health, as well as in public health. In fact, at least 60% of all known infectious human diseases, and 75% of emerging human diseases originate in animals. Nevertheless, it is an extremely specialised field in its own right, in which mere extrapolation from human medicine is not enough.
International and local regulations in the pharmaceutical industry require a long list of multilingual documents that must be prepared quickly, accurately and with optimal quality. Pharma translation helps these companies to achieve global benefits in local markets. In this article, you can discover the main reasons why pharmaceutical companies need pharma translations.
Clinical trials are the most important documents in medicine. You probably know that clinical trials are research studies on people aimed at evaluating a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention. Clinical trials are the main way researchers have of finding out whether a new treatment, such as a new drug, diet or medical device, is safe and effective for people, so a clincial trial translation is important when it comes to sharing new advances in medicine.
Translation is important in any situation in life. If you can understand how your new TV works, it is because of a technical translator. If you feel sick in a foreign country and can understand the leaflet in the pack of pills you have bought from the pharmacy, that’s probably because of a medical translator. Given the importance of these translators, let us tell you about the main qualities of a good medical translator. Because hiring the best professionals is a must for medicine.
Fecha publicación: 11/10/2019 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
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