As every year, International ALS Day is celebrated around the world on 21 June. Its aim is to raise awareness of this disease, to join forces and to call for more research, which is one of the cornerstones for increasing the life expectancy of ALS...
Fecha publicación: 17/06/2024 Fecha actualización: 31/07/2024 0 Comments
You probably already know that clinical trials contribute each day to pharmacological knowledge and to the efficacy of medical treatments. To ensure good practice, the use of clinical trial protocols is mandatory. However, did you know that increasingly this also means translating clinical trial protocols...
Fecha publicación: 29/05/2024 Fecha actualización: 17/06/2024 0 Comments
Not a single day goes by without us hearing the word ChatGPT. That’s true for all sectors and all industries but it is even more so for the translation industry and medical translation agencies. With its ability to understand and generate text in multiple languages,...
Fecha publicación: 15/05/2024 Fecha actualización: 18/10/2024 0 Comments
For clinical trial sites, technology can be an advantage, but also a disadvantage. When applied well, it helps staff to be more engaged and effective. But this can be hindered by sub-optimal technology solutions. For example, where there are duplicate technologies, insufficient user acceptance testing,...
Fecha publicación: 24/04/2024 Fecha actualización: 31/07/2024 0 Comments
Travelling can mean extra hassle for people on prescription medication. However, EU electronic prescriptions make it much easier to move around the European Union and obtain medicines prescribed in one of these countries.
Can electronic prescriptions be used abroad?
In the European Union, the electronic prescription system...
Fecha publicación: 10/04/2024 Fecha actualización: 31/07/2024 0 Comments
As real enthusiasts about the future of medicine and translation (not to mention our passion for making medical information accessible worldwide), Okomeds attended the latest edition of Clinical Trials Europe which was held on 29 and 30 November 2023 in Barcelona (Spain). Today, it is...
Fecha publicación: 26/03/2024 Fecha actualización: 31/07/2024 0 Comments
Believe it or not, in the world of translation, and specifically in the world of medical and scientific translation, women have played prominent roles and left an indelible mark throughout history. Not only have they transferred information from one language to another, but they have...
As you know, the translation of medical documents is an extremely important activity, as it facilitates understanding not only between professionals, but also between professionals and patients. There are countless documents and among them are patient health questionnaires, a type of document which plays a...
Fecha publicación: 28/02/2024 Fecha actualización: 31/07/2024 0 Comments
Digital mental health is the order of the day, largely due to technological innovations. We can understand this if we look back: while in 2005 fewer than 20% of households had access to the internet, by 2018 the percentage had risen to 60%, and today...
The healthcare sector is undergoing major changes driven by technological advances. If you are a medical translator, you probably already know about this in detail and even if you are not, you might have a general idea about what is happening. In any case, if...
Fecha publicación: 25/01/2024 Fecha actualización: 31/07/2024 0 Comments
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