

medical translations
Businesses that you did not know that may need a medical translation

When you think about medical translation, you probably associate it with healthcare companies, as a veterinary clinic or a private hospital. Nevertheless, businesses and companies from other sectors are also related to medical translation. We bet that you did not know that some of them...

medical translators
Choose the right medical translators for your company

Are you looking for the best medical translators and you do not know how to start searching? If you are running a health-related company, you would have probably ever thought about an expansion. A medical centre, a pharmaceutical company, a clinic, a laboratory...

freelance medical translator
Pros and cons of a job as a freelance medical translator

If you have ever worked as a freelance, you will have surely realised that this kind of job is very different regarding any other in the world. Nevertheless, in the case of a freelance medical translator, it is probably more special. This scenario has some...

medical translation
Factors for a medical translation budget

Which is the reasonable rate that a medical translator should apply? Well, it depends on many factors and the slyness of the translator. We are not here to talk about the right fee - if any - as each professional should look for the one...

medical interpreting
Sport team and medical interpreting

Sport is subject to a medical interpreting. We already wrote about that in another Okomeds article. But now, we want to focus on other aspects. If you manage a sport team, you should think about all the medical and the communication options. Here are some...

medical interpreter
How can a medical interpreter help in your company?

A medical interpreter is a highly qualified job. If you run a company related to healthcare or medicine - such as a pharmaceutical company, a healthcare centre or a veterinary clinic - you may consider having the services of a medical interpreter. Why? A medical...

medical translation
10 strange human medical facts and medical translation

Medicine and health hide thousands of strange facts. So medical translation has to pay careful attention to them. Here is a list including 10 striking facts closely linked to humans.   You may not associate new-borns with dentitions. But one out of 1,000 babies are born...

medical translator
Benefits of social media in medical translation

Social media is key in medical translation - but also for any professional of whatever sector. Social media is kind of a showcase for offering services and attracting more clients. It has become an essential for any job in the current era that we are...

medical translator
Medical translator vs. typical phrases a doctor says

A medical translator not only has to translate clinical tests, medical history records, mental status examinations or patient information leaflets. A medical translator is subject to translate everything related to the health environment, which may include different areas of medical translation, interpreting or transcription. For...

ophthalmological translation
How do you see the ophthalmological translation?

How much are medicine and translation related? The answer is clear: they are both closely linked. If you are still doubting about this, here are some facts reinforcing the idea that eyes and ophthalmological translation are highly connected. Suffice it to say that Ophthalmological translation...






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