

Common abbreviations in medical translation

No matter into which language you are translating from or into, you must always know how to face abbreviations in the source language. And, as English is the most common source translating language, Okomeds is listing some useful abbreviations with their corresponding meaning. If you...

medical translator
The ideal medical translator’s CV

Are you a medical translator desperately looking for a job? If you are a professional - either with or without experience - you can find new medical translation projects. The key is how focusing your CV and attracting potential employers. Here, in Okomeds, we are...

medical translator
How to make a medical translator angry

A medical translator does a great job for society, but there are some typical sentences that he/she does not like. Medical translators are nice people, but they dislike their work to be underestimated. Here are some phrases or ideas that you should not say to...

medical translation in summer camps
Medical translation in summertime

Summer is coming, and medical translation also takes an important role during summertime. Don't you think so? It is said that during this time of the year, companies stop many of their projects due to the holidays of their workers - nevertheless, in Okomeds we...

medical translators
Phobias, psychology and medical translation

Psychology is a main branch of medicine, it is the science of behaviour and mind. Phobias represent a big area of psychological knowledge; so medical translation also takes its slice of the cake from phobias and psychology in general. Phobias can be related to medical...

medical translation
The best of medical translation

This is a special article as it is the 100th post written at the Okomeds blog. If you have read many of the previous publications, we will like to ask you a short question: what have you learnt about medicine, health and translations? And we...

pharmaceutical industry
5 side effects of the pharmaceutical industry in Spain

The pharmaceutical industry in Spain is making profits. But there are also some side effects related to health and economy that do not help society. Okomeds lists 5 side effects of pharmaceutical industry due to the current Spanish model for managing it.   Outrageous prices The business...

medical translator
6 scenarios that will only happen with a bad medical translator

In translation you get what you pay for. You aim and want quality? So hire the services of a professional medical translator - the future of your company will be grateful. If not, if you prefer to contract a bad medical translator for paying less...

Medical translators' unutterable manias
Medical translators’ unutterable manias

Do you think that you know everything about translators? Even what they do when they are working at home and no one is seeing them? For better translating, medical translators have their own habits or manias while working. Medical translators get used to do certain...






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