If you are a medical translator, pay careful attention to this article because it suggests some useful resources for your daily work. When translating, what online references do you normally resort to? Here is a list including some dictionaries and glossaries that can be found...
Fecha publicación: 04/12/2015 Fecha actualización: 29/09/2020 0 Comments
A medical interpreter loves his/her work - it is unquestionable - but there are some pros and cons factors that can not be denied. Nevertheless, Okomeds is listing some facts which prove why a medical interpreter has a perfect job. Would you like to become...
Fecha publicación: 13/11/2015 Fecha actualización: 23/12/2015 0 Comments
GILT stands for Globalization, Internationalization, Localization and Translation. In medical and healthcare translation it is essential for a company to carefully develop a GILT strategy in order to offer a high-quality service.
If a healthcare company is planning to sell a product abroad, those are the...
Fecha publicación: 06/11/2015 Fecha actualización: 23/12/2015 0 Comments
What can be translated in health and medicine? To be honest, there are hundreds of possibilities for a medical translator. This wide range in health offers many different options and specialization areas. Okomeds, a professional medical translation agency, is aware of this scenario and here...
Fecha publicación: 30/10/2015 Fecha actualización: 23/12/2015 0 Comments
The medical translation field shares many similarities with other speciality translation areas related to the marketing sector. So, if you have a website related to medicine or healthcare, and are wondering if trusting your medical texts to an AMT (Automated Machine Translation) or to a...
Fecha publicación: 22/10/2015 Fecha actualización: 23/12/2015 0 Comments
Back translation is not a very common concept used in the translation field, but it highly increases quality to the project. In this procedure, a professional translator interprets a document previously translated into another language back to the original one. It is made by a...
Fecha publicación: 15/10/2015 Fecha actualización: 16/11/2015 0 Comments
Medical interpreting is a job position on high demand. Hospitals, NGOs, and different healthcare events may require the services of a qualified medical interpreter. So, if you work in this field, just think about your skills and how could you improve your abilities. Medical translation...
Fecha publicación: 08/10/2015 Fecha actualización: 28/02/2020 0 Comments
Medical translators can work with different kind of medical documents. Medical documentation includes a wide range of information that is essential for patient care and treatment. In the field of medical translation, understanding the different document types is essential to ensure effective communication between healthcare professionals...
Fecha publicación: 01/10/2015 Fecha actualización: 17/06/2024 0 Comments
There is a wide variety of medical documents. In today's post, we tell you what a PIL is. So, read on!
A PIL - patient information leaflet - is a leaflet that contains specific information about a medicine product, such as its medical conditions, side effects...
Fecha publicación: 23/09/2015 Fecha actualización: 27/12/2023 0 Comments
Do you have a scientific translation to do and want some tips on how to get it done perfectly? You have probably already seen some tips to help with medical translations, but here we want to focus on scientific translation, as it has its own...
Fecha publicación: 17/09/2015 Fecha actualización: 31/05/2023 0 Comments
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