Today we would like to take a look at the translatable medical documents with which we usually work in Okomeds. Over the next few days we will describe and explain each of them. To begin with, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is...
Fecha publicación: 02/07/2015 Fecha actualización: 31/03/2021 0 Comments
Medicine is one of the oldest branches of human knowledge. Most of its terms have Latin and Greek roots, and are still used in combination with more modern words. These characteristics mean that medical texts have a strongly objective nature and complete emotional neutrality. Bearing...
Fecha publicación: 29/06/2015 Fecha actualización: 09/04/2018 0 Comments
When a medical or healthcare specialist carries out a study, there comes the time to decide whether to submit it for publication in a journal. To do so, certain factors should be taken into account: language, specialisation, impact, etc.
To facilitate this work, today we will...
Fecha publicación: 18/06/2015 Fecha actualización: 23/12/2015 0 Comments
As you know, there are many translation specialities, but medical translation is one of the specialities that require the highest degree of specialisation and dedication.
This specialisation is due to the fact that it requires a high degree of precision and has a highly specialised language,...
Fecha publicación: 16/06/2015 Fecha actualización: 23/10/2024 0 Comments
The translation of Life Sciences is really important not only for the contents. A small mistake in a medical – health material can lead to important consequences.
Getting an outstanding translation begins when contracting the agency you shall work with. By following these steps, you will...
Fecha publicación: 17/03/2015 Fecha actualización: 31/03/2021 0 Comments
When talking about biopsies, the first important concept we must take into account is that the sample (or specimen) obtained when a biopsy is done can be called “muestra” or “pieza” (“pieza de biopsia”) in Spanish:
It is called “muestra” when removing a sample of...
Fecha publicación: 03/02/2015 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
Patients participating in clinical trial protocols usually have tests and procedures done with very different aims: diagnosing a condition, measuring a parameter, restoring a function, etc. They are as varied as the medical areas covered by protocols. We will try to outline terminological problems of...
Fecha publicación: 27/01/2015 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
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