

All the benefits of pharmaceutical translation
All the benefits of pharmaceutical translation

In the pharmaceutical industry, accurate communication is crucial for ensuring patient safety and successful medicine development. As such, the importance of translation in pharma cannot be overstated. In this article, we will explore the vital role that translation plays in pharmaceutical development and the many...

challenges for CROs
Challenges for CROs in 2023

Managing a CRO is not something that just anyone can do. These organisations, immersed in clinical research, have a great deal of weight on their shoulders. At Okomeds, we work with CROs on a daily basis, carrying out specialised translations of clinical trials. Here are...

Three interesting facts about translating clinical trials
Three interesting facts about translating clinical trials

The translation of clinical trials is an exciting discipline. It is also one of the biggest workloads for medical translators. The fact is simple. There are countless clinical trials every year and all of them need a quality translation in order to make new research...

What is project management in medical translation like?
What is project management in medical translation like?

Medicine brings people from all over the world together, because after all, health - especially in this day and age - is one of the cornerstones of our lives. Medical translation, on the other hand, is the branch of scientific-technical specialisation that allows medicine to...

What is the translation of medical articles like?
What is the translation of medical articles like?

The translation of academic articles is linked to research and carried out in all departments of all universities and university hospitals. In the field of medical translation, research can be found on all the medical specialities (e.g. neurology, cardiology, internal medicine, etc.), as well as...

Translation of clinical trials the essential glossary
Translation of clinical trials: the essential glossary

Clinical research generates a large amount of documentation. That is why when clinical trial translation is required, a specialised medical translation agency is needed. The vocabulary used in clinical trials is not without its difficulties. Below we have selected some of the most common terms...

Why should medical translations be done by specialists?

Medicine is global and international. However, there are differences in the diseases that are more prevalent in some parts of the world. Based on this premise, medical translation is the perfect tool for building communication bridges and spreading the messages needed to improve people's health...

A Cancer vaccine could be ready by 2030

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. For years, clinical trials have been underway in different parts of the world to find a cure for this global problem, but to no avail. However, that could be about to end. A German biotech...

How Europe’s rules for clinical trials are changing

The new European clinical trial regulations are a great opportunity for CROs and companies involved in clinical research. Our medical translation agency wants to share with you how the new Clinical Trials Information System will help centralise processes and streamline studies. Excellence in clinical trials One of...

What is a decentralised clinical trial?

Medicine has changed. Digitalisation has become the most powerful area in this field. It all started with Covid-19 and it has now spread to clinical trials. From our medical translation agency, which has extensive experience in translating clinical trials, we want to explain what a...






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