Health is not to be trifled with, and neither is research. The world of medical translation is much broader than you might think. Medical translation agencies like Okomeds do not only focus on pharmaceutical translation or veterinary translation. They also have an important role in translation for CROs. We explain why below.
In a highly competitive work environment, veterinary professionals need to be able to differentiate themselves from the rest. That’s why professional translation is essential.
From a professional point of view, there are several reasons why veterinary translation is crucial:
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Medicine and pharmacy are two very important branches of science in the history of mankind and need a high degree of specialisation, as many lives depend on them. That much we can all agree on. The same is true for pharmaceutical translation. In a globalised...
Fecha publicación: 10/09/2021 Fecha actualización: 29/09/2021 0 Comments
Although many people think that translations can be done by any bilingual person, the truth is that this is a profession that requires certain linguistic skills and abilities, as it is a task that combines creation, intuition and reason to give the best twist to the words and ideas of an author when translating them into a new language.
Spain is not noted for its expertise in languages, particularly English. It is true that more and more young people are turning to apps to learn other languages and perfect the ones they study at school. It is also true that the reality of online translators helps to solve the most basic translation needs.
Several specifications and challenges can feature in a localisation project, like references, term lists, a big team with a large workload or tight deadlines. Because of this, computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools are the best allies when handling medical translation workflows.
Nobody enjoys paperwork, but medical insurance claims are a fundamental part of any healthcare system. If patients don’t want to pay out of pocket, and medical providers want to receive swift payment, it’s important that everyone works together to properly file these forms.
Fecha publicación: 15/07/2021 Fecha actualización: 26/07/2021 0 Comments
Overall, 2020 has been a tumultuous year. From a health perspective, it’s been turned upside down by a deadly global pandemic changing how we live our lives and relate to others.
Some terms sound so similar it can be easy to confuse them. Other terms describe similar conditions, but it’s essential to choose the right terms for each condition. The keys to choosing the right term are often context and experience.
Fecha publicación: 10/06/2021 Fecha actualización: 24/06/2021 0 Comments
The use of professional medical interpreters can positively impact patient care. In fact, the use of professional interpreters is associated with improved clinical care more than the use of ad hoc interpreters, and professional interpreters appear to raise the quality of clinical care for LEP (Limited English proficiency) patients to such a degree that it approaches or equals that for patients without language barriers.
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