
Everything you need to know about clinical trial translations


clinical trial translations

20 Mar Everything you need to know about clinical trial translations

In the world of medicine, there is one thing that cannot be forgotten: clinical trials. It is thanks to clinical trials that medical research is able to make progress. But this does not only happen in a specific country: the translation of clinical trials allows medical researchers from other parts of the world to contribute to medical research. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about translating clinical trials.

What are clinical trials?

As we have already mentioned, clinical trials are medical research studies involving human participants. If it is a clinical trial of a drug, the first thing that is done is that the effect of the drug is studied in the laboratory. The most promising drugs then go on to be studied in more depth in people.

The aim of clinical trials is to test new drugs to determine their effectiveness. The drugs are intended to help people feel better, or to improve a disease or prevent it from getting worse.

In addition, clinical trials also test whether new drugs are safe and whether they cause side effects. In fact, without clinical trials, there would not be enough evidence that a new treatment works and is safe.

Currently, all drugs administered in hospital and sold in pharmacies have been carefully tested in clinical trials. There is evidence to show how effective these drugs are and whether they can cause side effects. This information is vital for doctors to determine which treatments are most appropriate for their patients.


Why is the translation of clinical trials necessary?

One of the most sought-after areas of medical translation is the translation of clinical trials. Even if medical research begins in New York, German scientists may use the information from the clinical trial to continue the research and improve the results obtained.

Such documents also use highly technical, formal and specialised language. This is why the translation of clinical trials is necessary. This translation must be adapted to these language characteristics and always avoid ambiguity and subjectivity.

The translation of clinical trials should be done by a team specialised in medical translation. Translation agencies specialised in medicine and biomedicine will be able to perfectly fulfil this type of assignment. The key here is to meet deadlines without compromising the quality of the work. At Okomeds, for example, we assign a specific project manager to each job and they are responsible for meeting all the client’s requirements, unifying criteria and making translation decisions in real time.



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