
Health, sport and medical translations


sport and medical translation

24 Jul Health, sport and medical translations

Health and, more specifically, sport as part of a healthy lifestyle, are in vogue. For some years now, there has been a dramatic change in healthy habits and great interest in sport. This change has been brought about, above all, by influencers. They are the ones who, through the social networks, encourage (or «influence», since that is their function) people to get in shape and abandon unhealthy lifestyle habits, also pointing out its dangers.  This new fad is causing the sports industry and business to grow and expand globally. And this, readers, is where sport and medical translations come together.

The rise of gyms and fitness centres and what they entail

According to the latest data from 2021, Spain has a large industry of gyms and fitness centres that with as many as 4,000 across the country. So far, this business model continues to be in full evolution.

However, the boom in this sector is not only focused on sport itself, but also on everything that surrounds it. People not only pay the monthly fee for the sports centre or gym, but also buy the clothes and all the accessories needed for sport: sports gloves, wireless headphones, heart rate monitors, bands and a long list of other products that make sport the best possible experience.

Sport beyond gyms and fitness centres

Moreover, it is not only gyms that are booming, since exercise at home has also become increasingly popular, especially after the COVID19 pandemic. Influencers also motivate and advise people on how to train at home. Among other things, they recommend training products, guides and books, events to attend or even subscriptions to fitness content.

Smart fitness apps and online training programs, such as the streaming of training, make it easier to exercise anywhere outside a gym. There is also home equipment like fitness machines, wearable devices and health-tracking software that remove the need for people to go to a gym.

So the health industry is expanding and reaching an ever wider audience. Everyone, from the very young to the very old, wants to know how to improve their health and their relationship with sport because everyone has access to this information and content over the internet. Due to these new trends, even people who were reluctant to go to the gym for whatever reason are now willing to exercise, either at a sports centre or at home.

The need for medical translations

We have reached an era where there are many products and services helping customers to stay healthy. However, the desire to stay fit and healthy goes beyond the boundaries of the service or product in question. Trends are emerging in Spain, France and England, but also in many, many other countries. This is why multilingual translation solutions adapted to local markets are necessary to expand the market for products or services so that everyone can enjoy the best exercise experience.

Health is in fashion. Sport and medical translations too. Okomeds offers solutions for products and services that require high quality translations. Shall we talk?

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