
International Translation Day at Okomeds


International Translation Day

30 Sep International Translation Day at Okomeds

Today. 30th September. International Translation Day.

This is a key day on which to recognise the essential work carried out by translators in various fields. Among these, certified medical translation stands out for its importance to global health. That’s why today, at our medical translation company, we want to highlight its vital importance in the medical field and pay tribute to a profession that, although it often works behind the scenes, has a profound impact on the lives of millions of people.

The most important medical texts that changed the course of medicine

Medicine, as a global science, has relied on translation to share advances, discoveries and treatments across cultures and centuries. What allowed these advances to transcend their place of origin and make their global impact was, in fact, translation.

The truth is that throughout history, several medical texts have been instrumental in the development of medicine and science. These documents have been the foundation for medical knowledge for centuries and have profoundly influenced modern medical practice.

The following are some of the most important medical texts in history:

1. De Materia Medica – Dioscorides

This treatise, written in the 1st century and used for more than 1,500 years, is one of the oldest texts on medicinal remedies, medical botany and pharmacology. It was translated into several languages over the centuries, allowing knowledge about medicinal plants to spread widely throughout the world. Without translation, the impact of De Materia Medica on global medicine would have been limited.

2. The Canon of Medicine – Avicena

The Canon of Medicine, written by Avicenna in the 11th century, is one of the most influential works in medical history. Its translation into Latin allowed medical knowledge from the Islamic world to reach Europe, where it became the reference text in universities for centuries. The translation of this treatise helped to unify and expand medical knowledge throughout the world.

3. De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem – Andreas Vesalius

Published in 1543, De Humani Corporis Fabrica revolutionised the study of human anatomy. The translation of this text allowed the anatomical advances described by Vesalius to spread throughout Europe and beyond, changing the way anatomy was understood and taught. Without being translated, its impact would have been confined to a limited audience.

4. Hippocratic Corpus – Hippocrates

The Hippocratic Corpus is a collection of writings that form the basis of Western medicine. These texts, dating from the 5th century BC, were translated into many different languages, ensuring that Hippocratic ideas about medicine were shared and adopted by many different cultures. The translation of these writings was essential in the creation of modern medicine.

International Translation Day, a chance to celebrate the vital role of translation in medicine

These texts are just a few examples of how translation has been an essential bridge in the dissemination of medical knowledge globally. Without the work of translators, the advances described in these works might have remained restricted to their original language.

A medical translator ensures that knowledge is accessible to all, maintaining the integrity of the message and avoiding misunderstandings that could have serious consequences. On this International Translation Day, we pay tribute to all those translators who, through their dedication and expertise, have made medicine a truly universal language. Thanks to their work, medical knowledge continues to cross borders, connect cultures and save lives.

Happy International Translation Day to all the professionals who make the world a healthier and a more connected place!

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