Medical translation can be a profitable niche, but its rigor and strict checking can be demanding. A poor translation might be extremely costly, not only for the customer but also for the translator. Specialization is a must, as medical translation is very broad and complex....
Fecha publicación: 22/11/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
The moment a patient learns he/she has an illness, and even more in case of laser surgery, trust in the healthcare team becomes essential and affects the relationship between patient and caretakers. Even in a world of specialist language, the trend is to create a...
Fecha publicación: 13/09/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
Millions upon millions of people have benefited from medical devices over the years. Having people's health at stake implies that Medicine, Pharmacy, and any other subsector related to human health is highly regulated. This is also the case for Medical devices, and therefore, the reason...
Fecha publicación: 27/07/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
Translational medicine, or evidence-based research, is a bidirectional concept. It aims to improve human health by determining the relevance of novel discoveries to disease, both coordinating knowledge and clinical practice and using direct human observation to characterize disease and generate new hypotheses. Medical translation is...
Fecha publicación: 29/06/2018 Fecha actualización: 31/08/2020 0 Comments
The evolution of the market, the technology, the market players, demands and requirements means changes for any sector. However, this is particularly true as regards pharmaceutical industry, which needs to face a more flexible, creative, innovative approach for the coming years, in order to deal...
Fecha publicación: 22/06/2018 Fecha actualización: 31/08/2020 0 Comments
In today’s world, at least in developed countries, people tend to live longer. Therefore, research on curing or minimizing ailments has a huge field. At the same time, each treatment needs testing and approval in each country, and the needs for good medical translation is...
Fecha publicación: 11/05/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
There is a need of translating new medical information from CROs research to bedside. This means that in this step medical translators take the findings of basic research and translate them into clinical investigations.
However, there is another important translation step that according to recent studies,...
Fecha publicación: 19/04/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
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