Plastic surgery is a field of healthcare that is not always included in the heathcare system, however people not only want to have better health, but also look better or look as they want to look. Therefore plastic surgery represents a huge market worldwide and...
Fecha publicación: 09/08/2018 Fecha actualización: 31/03/2021 0 Comments
Healthcare is incessantly been developed at high speed. Innovations are provided to the patients throughout the earth. Sport injuries do also benefit of these improvements and translation services, either online u offline, also expand and allow the patients to have a clear idea of medicines,...
Fecha publicación: 03/08/2018 Fecha actualización: 29/09/2020 0 Comments
There is a need of translating new medical information from CROs research to bedside. This means that in this step medical translators take the findings of basic research and translate them into clinical investigations.
However, there is another important translation step that according to recent studies,...
Fecha publicación: 19/04/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
Here are Okomeds’ February news. Enjoy!
1.- Diabetes mellitus type 2 and sleep problems
There is a link between diabetes, blood glucose levels and good sleep habits. When you sleep well it is easier for the pancreas to establish the proper insulin levels in blood.
The number of...
Fecha publicación: 08/02/2018 Fecha actualización: 28/02/2020 0 Comments
Pharmacists as Paul Mavor in Australia are studying the benefits of medical marijuana. This herb is specially indicated for patients who have no other options. However, according to him some conditions concerning the benefits of cannabis are clear, but others are still under investigation.
Medical marijuana,...
Fecha publicación: 03/01/2018 Fecha actualización: 17/06/2024 0 Comments
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