Clinical trials are more and more subject to outsource. In this sense, there has been an increase of 50% in the last decade and over 70% of the total number of clinical trials will be outsourced by 2020.
This tendency is consolidating due to its advantages...
Fecha publicación: 24/04/2018 Fecha actualización: 31/08/2020 0 Comments
There is a need of translating new medical information from CROs research to bedside. This means that in this step medical translators take the findings of basic research and translate them into clinical investigations.
However, there is another important translation step that according to recent studies,...
Fecha publicación: 19/04/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
From 11 May, 2017, significant changes for drug development in China are taking place encouraging a new era for device, drug development and medical translation for CROs.
As competition within the drug development landscape intensifies and clinical trial protocols become...
Fecha publicación: 06/04/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/09/2019 0 Comments
Here are our March Medical News taking into account the most recent medical studies.
5 or 2 types of diabetes?
Recent medical studies shows that diabetes pacients could be more accurately treated by dividing the desease in 5 clusters instead of 2. The reason concerns diabetes heterogeneity,...
Fecha publicación: 07/03/2018 Fecha actualización: 10/01/2024 0 Comments
Most healthcare providers and doctors love medical jargon.
But, what is it? Jargon is a concept that stands for the terminology applied to a specific field. In this case, the medical, healthcare and medical translation fields.
Advantages and disadvantages of Medical Jargon
Why is Medical jargon used? We...
Here are some interesting and outstanding healthcare and medical interpretation services news. (Our main sources are: Medical news today, US today, Science daily, US News, BBC News, News Medical Life Sciences and Medlineplus).
- Processed meats and breast cancer risk
A new research (The European Journal of Cancer) provides some...
Fecha publicación: 11/01/2018 Fecha actualización: 28/02/2020 0 Comments
Pharmacists as Paul Mavor in Australia are studying the benefits of medical marijuana. This herb is specially indicated for patients who have no other options. However, according to him some conditions concerning the benefits of cannabis are clear, but others are still under investigation.
Medical marijuana,...
Fecha publicación: 03/01/2018 Fecha actualización: 17/06/2024 0 Comments
It is traditionally said that doctors have bad handwriting. The fact is that most patients have difficulty understanding their doctors' handwritten documents. Why is this? And most importantly, how can translators translate these documents?
[caption id="attachment_13510" align="aligncenter" width="300"] A doctor’s handwritten document[/caption]
The myth of doctors having...
Fecha publicación: 26/12/2017 Fecha actualización: 29/12/2023 0 Comments
November has reminded ordinary people of some of the current fights of the Health and Pharmaceutical sectors celebrating International days such as:
International Day of Radiology (8 November) International Day of Spina Bifida (21 November) or Anti-Obesity Day (26 November).
The world...
Fecha publicación: 05/12/2017 Fecha actualización: 29/09/2020 0 Comments
Okomeds is really conscious about medicine and medical translation, so here are some curious and recent news you must know. And you might even be surprised!
Early detection of autism
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which is usually detected at the age of 2. But, can...
Fecha publicación: 17/03/2017 Fecha actualización: 07/01/2019 0 Comments
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