Have you ever imagined how would be a world with no medical translations? It would certainly be very different to the current one we are living in. Healthcare and medicine would have not improved so much because of a lack of communication. Medical translation eases...
If you run a company, you will surely want to always bring the best quality. It includes all that is related to your area, but also any other additional service than can be offered to your clients. One of the most common additional services is...
Fecha publicación: 08/04/2016 Fecha actualización: 13/01/2021 0 Comments
Medical translation, apart from being a very specialised field in communication, is plenty of curiosities. So many anecdotes - which are also very varied - can be found in the history of medical translation. Here is a list of some of the curiosities related to...
A medical translation agency is they key for boasting your company as it can provide several services and improve its reputation. So, if your company or brand is dedicated to any drug, medical, healthcare or research activity, find these examples for reinforcing the idea of...
Fecha publicación: 04/03/2016 Fecha actualización: 28/02/2020 0 Comments
Despite the evidence that actions such as changing diet have almost immediate effects on our health, nutrition is not a domain well studied or discussed by clinicians; at least, seldom with their patients.
However, nutrition-related health conditions or poor nutritional intake are well extended, even...
Fecha publicación: 25/02/2016 Fecha actualización: 31/08/2020 0 Comments
If you run a travel agency, we are sure that you will always want to offer your clients the best possible service. So, you will take care of the lodging, the transport, the visits, the ticket entrances… but also the healthcare. That is to say,...
Fecha publicación: 17/02/2016 Fecha actualización: 13/01/2021 0 Comments
Interpreting is a field of communication which can open you several professional doors. If your company is dedicated to healthcare or medicine and aims an international growing, it should not neglect languages. Languages are the link between your company and a foreign one, and such...
Fecha publicación: 10/02/2016 Fecha actualización: 31/03/2021 0 Comments
Sport is an international language, but it may require a medical translation of some documents for easing communication. Medicine and sport are very related fields as sport always means health. Any professional sportsman/sportswoman must be in good health for doing his/her best, so healthcare and...
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