
The present and the future of cancer patients care


The present and the future of cancer patients care

01 Feb The present and the future of cancer patients care

The number of researchers and resources devoted to oncological research and the possibility to use new technologies, make us feel optimistic for a future cure. Meanwhile, oncological care is experimenting notable changes. For example in Spain, Oncological Functional Units have been created in order to integrate all the health services required.

Nevertheless, the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) insists on the importance of primary cancer prevention, early diagnosis and genetic testing in families with a cancer history.


Important advances have taken place in recent years which are prolonging the survival of those cancer patients who do not totally heal.


Current treatments, medical translation, and new techniques

Cancer patients are usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy or biological therapies. But, a lot of new technologies will be used in the future. For example, precisión surgery will be controlled by robots, or surgery biopsies will identify malignant tissues in real time, or be replaced by fluid biopsies. We are not dreaming, in fact, these techniques already exist and their validation and application will require a great deal of medical translation.

With iKnife malignant tissue can be identified in real time as the vaporized smoke from the biological sample is analyzed by a mass spectrometer. Illumina, the DNA sequencer giant, has a spin-off, Grail, focused on making fluid biopsy commercially viable. The same system is used in Spain by Amadix. Devices and techniques also require medical translation manuals.

Another important aspect of the treatment is related to the possibility to personalize the medication. Foundation Medicine does it matching key mutations to drugs on the market or on the way clinical trials. Also, Artificial intelligence algorithms have been used in oncology for years to find the most personalized treatment. Once found medical translation might be needed to explain it to the patient.

New techniques also include monitoring devices, such as the one planned by Qloudlab which would allow patients to check blood cell counts at home. On the other hand, Social media cancer networks are more and more spread, inspiring and informing patients and boosting their confidence. Medical translators can help here too in case the patients do not speak English or the language of the specific Social Media.

As regards pain, let’s not forget medical marijuana. But new techniques are also been developed, such as wearables with intensive nerve stimulation and clinically proven, to help manage chronic pain. We are referring to Quell. All those new techniques also require medical translation to be used all over the world. However, until all those new techniques evolve and can be universally used, cancer patient still counts on specialists, multidisciplinary care, integration of psychosocial, rehabilitation and socio-labor reintegration.

The important advances that are taking place in recent years are prolonging the survival of those who do not totally heal. As the state of the patients is part of the cure, positive thinking and feeling optimistic are much appreciated and have great results. With the support of carers and family, the progressive recovery of a normal rhythm of life is an important goal.

Cancer mortality has been decreasing considerably in the last two decades. Although the behavior, prognosis, and treatment of the different types of cancer, even within the different evolutionary phases of the same tumor, are very variable.





An example of the different types of cancer pacients

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that mainly affects women, and as in the rest of types, early detection is the key to having a good prognosis. However, the chances that breast cancer can be treated successfully are very high if there is good control. Breast cancer occurs when a cell is transformed and becomes malignant or cancerous.

These cells are found in the tissues of the breast composed inside by fatty tissue, veins, lymph nodes, lobes, lobules, and ducts. There are many lymph nodes in the chest area, both in the surroundings and in the breast. The lymph nodes help to fight infections, which is why they usually increase in size when some diseases are suffered.

The lobes are responsible for producing milk and can change their shape before breastfeeding, and with cancer. That is why it is normal to experience a breast augmentation with this condition. There are between 15 and 20 lobes formed by many lobules in each breast. When one of the cells that form one of these parts becomes malignant and begins to evolve, breast cancer occurs.

Preventive treatment and precision medicine

In this case, self-exams to detect breast abnormalities, checkups, and mammograms can help detect cancer early and make it easier to eliminate. Any kind of treatment might also need medical translation.

Mammograms can star at 40 years of age, although not all professionals agree, unless there are risk factors or an abnormality has been detected. But after 50 years old there is a consensus that mammograms should be carried out every 1 or 2 years.

With the recent shift towards precision medicine, researchers have a growing need to source pre-clinical cancer models with specific genomic and molecular profiles. Repositive has created e that enablesa pioneering marketplac oncology researchers to search and compare pre-clinical cancer models and services.

They have over 4,540 cancer models from 14 CROs. The marketplace helps to accelerate the development of personalized cancer treatments enabling biopharma researchers to find the translational models they need.

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