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healthcare news

All the latest news about Healthcare from around the world: Homeless people are denied basic health care, research finds A study led by the University of Birmingham has painted a shaming picture of neglect and discrimination shown towards the homeless when accessing UK health services. Researchers interviewed...

medical events
Medical events that you cannot miss

Each year, Okomeds, Medical Translators Services, offers businesses and public organisations a list of medical events, conferences & congress taking place soon all over the world. You can find here the medical events taking place this summer all over the world: United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Hong Kong,...

healthcare news
Healthcare news #1

  All the latest news about Healthcare from around the world: Using Data to Provide Better Health Care to New York’s Homeless New York City Health + Hospitals, which serves more than one million people a year, is now sing data science to identify and “phenotype” homeless patients...

millennials healthcare system
Millennials change the healthcare system

Millennials (ages 21–32) will change the healthcare system by expecting continuous improvement. Advances in technology, demographic shifts and consumer trends will affect the healthcare landscape in the future. As patients behave more like consumers, they seek to use their digital skills and experiences as they interact with...

Winter medicine news and medical translation
Winter healthcare news and medical translation

As patients more and more want to be active participants in information exchange and decision-making processes concerning their health, and technology is rapidly advancing, integrating big achievements in other fileds to the healthcare sector, data collected via personal monitoring devices will be growing. It can be...

Health Chatbox and Medical interpreters
Health Chatbox and Medical interpreters

It is a fact that interpreters are some of the first people called on to perform written translation and/or sight translation whether or not they have the skills to do this. Healthcare has seen smart algorithm-powered, text or voice-based interfaces multiply in the last years. That is why we can...

Digital health and the medical translation process
Digital health and the medical translation process

The management of the medical translation process can face multiple scenarios for a medical institution. Most of them depend on its size and budget and could be liked with Digital Health. From the intitutional point of view, there are several main steps to be distinguished....

Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news
Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news

The quantity of information in this field is huge and opinions diverge. However, it is clear that while there is no cure for Alzheimer at this stage, medications can temporarily slow down the progression of symptoms such as, anxiety, sleep interference, depression, aggression and delusions...

Translating medical documents. Urine infection, example
A start in medical translation: specialization and improvement

Medical translation can be a profitable niche, but its rigor and strict checking can be demanding. A poor translation might be extremely costly, not only for the customer but also for the translator. Specialization is a must, as medical translation is very broad and complex....

Medical Translation Service and Parkinson healthcare
Medical Translation Service and Parkinson healthcare

Healthcare is continuously progressing. Life expectancy has also increased. In order to further help medical services, medical translation services are very helpful for patients who are not fluent in the official language. Medical translation services online can help in this sense, providing clear information about...






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