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Healthcare robots and document translation priorities
Healthcare robots and document translation priorities

Translation of medical documents must always follow certain criteria to search compliance with current laws. However, there are medical materials or guidelines that are needed due to governmental mandates and others that are linked to the institutions particular needs. To satisfy those needs also come robotics...

Health Chatbox and Medical interpreters
Health Chatbox and Medical interpreters

It is a fact that interpreters are some of the first people called on to perform written translation and/or sight translation whether or not they have the skills to do this. Healthcare has seen smart algorithm-powered, text or voice-based interfaces multiply in the last years. That is why we can...

Learning about high blood pressure with medical translators
Learning about high blood pressure with medical translators

Any translator cannot afford to mix up terms. It could be a matter of life and death, as when we are talking about high blood pressure. Unlike other fields of translation, medical translation can be very challenging, requiring more advanced skills due to the need...

Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news
Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news

The quantity of information in this field is huge and opinions diverge. However, it is clear that while there is no cure for Alzheimer at this stage, medications can temporarily slow down the progression of symptoms such as, anxiety, sleep interference, depression, aggression and delusions...

Translating medical documents. Urine infection, example
A start in medical translation: specialization and improvement

Medical translation can be a profitable niche, but its rigor and strict checking can be demanding. A poor translation might be extremely costly, not only for the customer but also for the translator. Specialization is a must, as medical translation is very broad and complex....

China, becoming a new power in pharmaceutical industry
China, becoming a new power in pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceuticals can be developed, used or manufactured in any part of the world. China, the world’s second largest pharmaceutical market has become a more mature industry, thanks to the structural adjustment promoted and led by the CFDA (The China Food and Drug Administration). The job...

Pharma translation and Pharmaceutical business, a winning pair
Pharma translation and Pharmaceutical business, a winning pair

Today medical translators have databases and translation memories. The importance of expert translations is also revealed in their offer. Each day drugs and medicines count on standardized and streamlined translations, that are not only back-translated but also checked as many times as needed. The necessity...

A pharmaceutical companies dream: a cure for hypoactive sexual desire disorder
A pharmaceutical companies dream: a cure for hypoactive sexual desire disorder

There is a widespread sexual dysfunction called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), which means that the person experiencing it has lower concentrations of hormones, such as testosterone (when climacteric arrives), or neurotransmitters, such as serotonin (as in people with depression), resulting on a drop of...

Physiotherapy translators diffusing shock waves treatment
Physiotherapy translators diffusing shock waves treatment

Medical translations can also be applied to physiotherapists practice or guidelines as regards musculoskeletal disorders. Although it is not as spread as in other medical disciplines, physiotherapy translators interventions have had a positive impact on professionals’ attitudes and skills, as well as on clinical practice...

Medicine translation and chiropody facing feet pathologies and pains
Medicine translation and chiropody facing feet pathologies and pains

When patient and medical provider have a limited ability to interconnect in the same language, administering effective medical services can be very difficult.  This can happen when providing chiropodist healthcare services, as well as while dealing with patients in any other medical specialty.   [Sharer]   Chiropody treatments for...






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